Mohamed Houri’s Oracle Notes

September 12, 2018

Troubleshooting via indexing

Filed under: Oracle — hourim @ 6:27 pm

The damage that can be inflicted by a filter predicate applied on a big table is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that it has been almost always a tragic mistake to filter a huge amount of rows from a very large table. This article outlines one of those practical cases where the creation of a chirurgical index overcame the waste of time and energy spent at the table level in a very critical third party software query.

To begin with here’s a SQL monitoring report of this critical query taken from a 12cR2 release:

    conRef h,
    vamisin h
WHERE h.typeisin <> 4
AND h.optionv NOT IN
  (SELECT  vwx.ident 
   WHERE (vwx.I1 = 2298535)
AND h.backclient NOT IN (106, 28387)
AND h.vamisin        IN (91071113)

Global Information
 Status              :  DONE (ALL ROWS)       
 Instance ID         :  1                     
 Session             :  XXXXXX (2198:9848) 
 SQL ID              :  7v8109fkuusw3         
 SQL Execution ID    :  17529954              
 Execution Started   :  08/01/2018 04:58:31   
 First Refresh Time  :  08/01/2018 04:58:35   
 Last Refresh Time   :  08/01/2018 04:59:16   
 Duration            :  45s                   
 Module/Action       :  JDBC Thin Client/-    
 Service             :  sphpre1               
 Program             :  JDBC Thin Client      
 Fetch Calls         :  6                     

Global Stats
| Elapsed |   Cpu   |    IO    | Fetch | Buffer | Read  | Read  |
| Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) | Calls |  Gets  | Reqs  | Bytes |
|      44 |    2.35 |       42 |     6 |  81930 | 39157 | 311MB |

SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=4122899908)
| Id |               Operation                |          Name          |   Time    | Start  |   Rows   |
|    |                                        |                        | Active(s) | Active | (Actual) |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |                        |        42 |     +4 |    50549 |
|  1 |   HASH JOIN ANTI                       |                        |        42 |     +4 |    50549 |
|  2 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED |TABLEHIST               |        42 |     +4 |    50549 |
|  3 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN                   |TABLEHIST_IND4          |        42 |     +4 |     281K |
|  4 |    VIEW                                |                        |         1 |    +45 |    12883 |
|  5 |     CONNECT BY WITH FILTERING (UNIQUE) |                        |         1 |    +45 |    21028 |
|  6 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                  |IDX_AGGREGAT_VIEW_IDENT |         1 |    +45 |       40 |
|  7 |      HASH JOIN                         |                        |         1 |    +45 |        0 |
|  8 |       NESTED LOOPS                     |                        |         1 |    +45 |    20988 |
|  9 |        STATISTICS COLLECTOR            |                        |         1 |    +45 |        9 |
| 10 |         CONNECT BY PUMP                |                        |         1 |    +45 |    21028 |
| 11 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN                |IDX_AGGREGAT_VIEW_IDENT |         1 |    +45 |    20988 |
| 12 |       INDEX FAST FULL SCAN             |IDX_AGGREGAT_VIEW_IDENT |           |        |          |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - access("H"."OPTIONV"="IDENT")
   2 - filter(("H"."BACKCLIENT"<>:SYS_B_3 AND "H"."BACKCLIENT"<>:SYS_B_2 
           AND "H"."TYPEISIN"<>:SYS_B_0))
   3 - access("H"."VAMISIN"=:1)
              AND "IDENT">0))
   5 - access("F"."MGR"=PRIOR NULL)
   6 - access("F"."MGR"=1)
   9 - access("connect$_by$_pump$_005"."prior f.ident "="F"."MGR")
   - this is an adaptive plan 

In their attempt to fix this performance pain, DBAs and developers were focusing their efforts in reviewing the part of the execution plan that involves the hierarchical query (operation n°4 to 12).

But whoever knows how to interpret correctly the multitude information provided by the SQL monitor report would have immediately pointed out where most of the query time is spent. Look at the Start Active column of operations n°0 to 3: they all shows +4 seconds. This means that those operations started to be active 4 seconds after the beginning of the query. And whoever knows how to interpret an execution plan would have pointed out that the parent-child operation n°2-3 is the first to be started by Oracle. Look now to the Time Active(s) column of these two operations. They both indicate 42 seconds. This means that the table/index operation 2-3 took 42 seconds. Since the total duration of this query is 45 seconds we know then clearly what part of the query we have to address.

The index at operations n°3 supplied its parent table at line n°2 with 281K of rowids which has thrown away all but only 50549 using the filter predicate n°2

   2 - filter(("H"."BACKCLIENT"<>:SYS_B_3 AND "H"."BACKCLIENT"<>:SYS_B_2 
           AND "H"."TYPEISIN"<>:SYS_B_0))

Most of the 81930 buffer gets come from the TABLEHIST table at operation line n°2. We need then to engineer an index starting by the column in the predicate on which an equality is applied (VAMISIN) followed by the other three columns from the other predicates on which an inequality is applied (OPTIONV, BACKCLIENT, TYPEISIN).


Since the select part of this critical query involves only two columns of which one (VAMISIN) is already included in the new index then why not add the second selected column to this index and avoid visiting the table at all?


Although this will increase the size of the index it has, however, the potentiality to eliminate 96% of I/O.
Indeed, following the creation of the new index, Oracle has used the following execution plan:

| Id  | Operation                            | Name                   | Rows  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                     |                        |       |
|*  1 |  HASH JOIN ANTI                      |                        |     1 |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN                   |TABLEHIST_IND_MHO       |    49 |
|*  3 |   VIEW                               |                        |    89 |
|*  4 |    CONNECT BY WITH FILTERING (UNIQUE)|                        |       |
|*  5 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN                 |IDX_AGGREGAT_VIEW_IDENT |     5 |
|   6 |     NESTED LOOPS                     |                        |    84 |
|   7 |      CONNECT BY PUMP                 |                        |       |
|*  8 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                |IDX_AGGREGAT_VIEW_IDENT |    17 |

SQL> @sqlstats
Enter value for sql_id: 7v8109fkuusw3

---------- -------------------- --------------- ---------- --------
1	                           860019752       3651      204

As you can see Oracle is not visiting anymore the TABLEHIST table and the reduction of the logical I/O consumption is very remarkable as it went from 81930 to 3651.

September 11, 2018

Exploded index causes a wrong execution plan

Filed under: Oracle — hourim @ 6:57 pm

A couple of days ago I have been asked to look at performance issue which occurred in a very simple delete statement. Below is this delete with its good and bad execution plan respectively:

SQL_ID gq3khfnctny4h
DELETE FROM table_t1 WHERE evt_id = :1  AND eng_id = :2
Plan hash value: 1362912592 
| Id  | Operation          | Name          | Rows  | Cost (%CPU)|
|   0 | DELETE STATEMENT   |               |       |     3 (100)|
|   1 |  DELETE            | TABLE_T1      |       |            |
|   2 |   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN| PK_TABLE_T117 |     1 |     3   (0)| -- cost = 3

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    2 - access("EVT_ID"=:1 AND "ENG_ID"=:2)
SQL_ID gq3khfnctny4h
DELETE FROM table_t1 WHERE evt_id = :1  AND eng_id = :2
Plan hash value: 3057265474 
| Id  | Operation             | Name          | Rows  |Cost (%CPU)|
|   0 | DELETE STATEMENT      |               |       |    2 (100)|
|   1 |  DELETE               | TABLE_T1      |       |           |
|   2 |   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| PK_TABLE_T117 |     1 |    2   (0)| -- cost = 2

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    2 - access("EVT_ID"=:1 AND "ENG_ID"=:2)

The statistics of the different executions of this delete over the last couple of weeks are:

SQL> @HistStats
Enter value for sql_id: gq3khfnctny4h
Enter value for from_date: 01092018

------------------------- --------------- -------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------
04-SEP-18 PM      1362912592     5109         5109          0     19.3          1 -- good execution plan
04-SEP-18 PM      1362912592      574          574          0       20          1
04-SEP-18 PM      1362912592     1472         1472          0       20          1
05-SEP-18 AM      1362912592     3378         3378          0     19.4          1
05-SEP-18 PM      1362912592    17759        17759          0     19.7          1
05-SEP-18 PM      1362912592   201040       201040          0     18.6          1
05-SEP-18 PM      1362912592    59826        59826          0     19.7          1
05-SEP-18 PM      1362912592   140850       140850          0     17.7          1
06-SEP-18 AM      1362912592    17951        17951          0     22.9          1
06-SEP-18 AM      3057265474    22899        22899         19   2136.5          1 -- bad plan switch 
06-SEP-18 AM      3057265474    45736        45736         14     1315          1
06-SEP-18 AM      3057265474    56729        56729         11  37105.8          1
06-SEP-18 PM      3057265474    48568        48568         12    11275          1

As you can see, when the delete statement switched from an execution plan using a INDEX UNIQUE SCAN (1362912592) to an execution plan using an INDEX FAST FULL SCAN (3057265474) of the same primary key index, the average elapsed time of the delete went from 0 to 19 seconds.

The AVG_ROWS column above clearly shows that we are always deleting a single row. This is because the two columns of the predicate part represent the two primary key columns (evt_id, eng_id). So why on earth would Oracle FAST FULL scan an entire index to end up by locating a single row and delete it?

If you look back to the above execution plan you will realize that Oracle has completely messed up its estimations as it has considered that FAST FULL scanning the PK_TABLE_T117 primary key index will cost only 2 while the cost of unique scanning the same index would be 3. This is why it has switched for the bad execution plan causing a serious performance issue.

The statistics of this unique index are:

SQL> select
      , blevel
      , leaf_blocks
      , distinct_keys
      , num_rows
      , clustering_factor
      , sample_size    
    from user_indexes
    where index_name = 'PK_TABLE_T117';

-------------- ------ ----------- ------------- ---------- ----------------- ----------- 
PK_TABLE_T117       3       28860        524234     524234            348959      524234   

Since I have at my disposable a PRE-PRODUCTION copy of this database I decided to get the same index statistics from this database:

SQL> select
      , blevel
      , leaf_blocks
      , distinct_keys
      , num_rows
      , clustering_factor
      , sample_size    
    from user_indexes
    where index_name = 'PK_TABLE_T117';

-------------- ------- ----------- ------------- ---------- ----------------- ----------- 
PK_TABLE_T117        2       21470        617240     617240            190479      617240 

How could a BLEVEL of an index be equal to 3 in PRODUCTION and the BLEVEL of the same index with much more rows be equal to 2 in another database?

That’s probably an indication of an exploded index due to the delete and its pattern. Let’s check this using a little bit enhanced Jonathan Lewis script

SQL> @IndexEfficiency2
Enter value for m_schemaname: xxxx
      Current Index Size GB: 1.44         Expected Index size GB: .07

This index certainly needs a rebuild

SQL> alter index PK_TABLE_T117 rebuild online;
SQL> select
          , blevel
          , leaf_blocks
          , distinct_keys
          , num_rows
          , clustering_factor
          , sample_size      
     from user_indexes
     where index_name = 'PK_TABLE_T117';

-------------- ------- ----------- ------------- ---------- ----------------- ----------- 
PK_TABLE_T117        2        1461        524202     524202            348956      524202

SQL> @sizeBySegName
Enter value for segment_name: PK_TABLE_T117
Enter value for owner: xxxx

------------------ ---------------- --------------- -----
INDEX              IDX              PK_TABLE_T117   .0117
Total Segment Size                                  .0117 

And here’s below the new execution plan:

SQL> explain plan for
     DELETE FROM table_t1 WHERE evt_id = :1  AND eng_id = :2;
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);

| Id  | Operation          | Name          | Rows  | Bytes | Cost  |
|   0 | DELETE STATEMENT   |               |     1 |    31 |     2 |
|   1 |  DELETE            | TABLE_T1|     |       |       |
|   2 |   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN| PK_TABLE_T117 |     1 |    31 |     2 | -- cost = 2

SQL> explain plan for 
    delete /*+ index_ffs(TABLE_T1, PK_TABLE_T117) */ table_t1 
    WHERE evt_id = :1  AND eng_id = :2;

SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);

| Id  | Operation             | Name          | Rows  | Bytes | Cost  |
|   0 | DELETE STATEMENT      |               |     1 |    31 |   402 |
|   1 |  DELETE               | TABLE_T1      |       |       |       |
|   2 |   INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| PK_TABLE_T117 |     1 |    31 |   402 | -- cost = 402


I have never considered rebuilding an index to be a reliable tuning strategy. This is why, I have already ousted this operation from my list of tuning steps. But, as Tom Kyte says “always is never true, never is always false”, it is then interesting to see practical real life cases where rebuilding index reveals to be a fix for a wrong execution plan choice.

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